Il senatore a Francesco Boccia commissario del PD Campani ad Avellino, sabato 28 gennaio alle 10.30. Un appuntamento per la presentazione della mozione per Elly Schlein segretaria. L’incontro si terrà presso la sede provinciale del Pd di via Tagliamento.
Pd, Boccia ad Avellino per la mozione Schlein

Italy's Minister of Regional Affairs Francesco Boccia attends a swearing-in ceremony at the Quirinale presidential palace in Rome on September 5, 2019. - Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte on September 4 unveiled Italy's new government, a coalition of the anti-establishment Five Star Movement (M5S) and centre-left Democratic Party (PD). Conte, who remains at the helm after 14 months at the head of the outgoing populist government, presented 21 new ministers to be sworn in on September 5. (Photo by Andreas SOLARO / AFP)